Enter the Spirit Man

by Hyson A. Bullock
(King City, CA, U.S.A.)

J-Na's story is so amazing that I feel led to share my near death experience as well. Mine occurred just 15 short months ago, when I was about to enter an opportunity in San Francisco, USA. I went to sleep on January 31st of 2011, and only part of me woke up the next day. My entire right side was completely dead, save my right eye and ear. I fell out of bed and dragged myself to the back yard in an attempt to wake myself up. I truly thought I was dreaming. However, I suddenly knew that I was dying after six hours of dragging my half lifeless body. After a friend called an ambulance for me, the EMT physician told me that I suffered a stroke that shut down half of my body. I made peace with my God while the ambulance took me to the hospital, and a miracle happened through the next four days in the hospital. The right side of my body was restored, one part at a time, until I walked out on my own power on the fourth day! All six doctors assigned to me were amazed, and could not explain it outside of a miracle. It truly was a miracle that my God revealed my purpose to me. I now travel around sharing my healing adventure with many people, and sharing my God's Love with them. I was completely restored physically, and my spirit within has also been strengthened greatly! My spirit is now in charge of my physical body, and I have risen above all sickness and disease as my God has intended all along. I give my God all the glory for giving me a new life, and something great to share with all people! Our spirits have more God given power than we realize, and I love to share this great truth with everyone!

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Jan 12, 2013
God Bless You
by: Hyson

The same to you, dear J-na! I'm so happy to stay in touch with you! I sense the same thing as you, that God is raising us up for something big. I'm still preaching His message, and I never knew I COULD preach! Wow, I love my life since He took it over! We're so blessed J-na! Have a blessed and victorious year, in Jesus' Name! His Best is yet to come!

Luv ya sister!

Jan 12, 2013
So happy to hear from you!
by: J-na

Oh Hyson!

I was worried you might not receive my note and belated apology for not getting your comments last year!

I feel God is continuing His Purpose and I too hope to bless and comfort and move others to praise Him! Being busy with a higher purpose changes everything!

Thanks so much for responding and I am so blessed to know you!



Jan 09, 2013
To God Be the Glory!
by: Hyson

Hey J-na! The pleasure is all mine, and God receives all the glory! I pray that my testimony gives people comfort, and let's them know that Jesus Christ is there to deliver them from ANYTHING when they give their lives to Him! I recently shared an in depth testimony on "Conrad Rocks" as well! God's taken me viral! It's exciting! It's such a blessing to be alive and a blessing to my fellow men and women! Be always blessed sister!

Jan 08, 2013
So grateful for you Hyson!
by: J-na

Wow Hyson! My son and I just received your amazing story due to a glitch in our site....I truly apologize that it took so long! Wow...I am soooo touched by your experience, and my feelings are even stronger in the power of believing! I am so glad you are still here and you are able to share your heart and your story to inspire others!

I guess you do understand why I feel moved to serve others and I feel that I get back more than I give! Joy and Peace and Love to you Hyson!!! <3

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Light From the Talmud by Bishop Charles Lee Russell

by Hazle Jean Abrams
(Alexandria, VA USA)

My grandmother left me a wonderful Hebrew Book, my great great uncle wrote in 1942. He had a Rabbi friend that taught him Hebrew & about Jewish culture. He was a Bishop in the C.M.E. Church of the 40's. They forged a beautiful friendship between an African American Bishop & Jewish Rabbi. They taught each English & Hebrew, which neither one knew. It's awe inspiring to me. My grandmother thought me worthy of this family treasure. I'm able to visit his grave & old home in NW Washington, DC. His Church is named Israel Metropolitan & is still serving the DC community. He has another Church named afer him "Russell Temple." It is located in Alexandria, VA.

Your story of being burned & starting your career is a triumph over adversity. God turned that tragedy into a positive. God bless you. I pray I might be able to wear one of your creations. Next year, my husband & I celebrate 33 yrs. of marriage. I wish I could take my vows again in one of your fabulous creations. Shalom sister.

Hazle Jean Abrams

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Jan 08, 2013
My Twitter friend Hazle!!!
by: J-na

Hazle!!! Would you believe we just got notified of your comments all these many months later? I am so sorry my friend! Here we have been tweeting to each other all this time and I just now read your amazing story! You have a real treasure in your heart, and a sterling example of faith and love and OPEN-Mindedness winning over bigotry and fear and hatred! To have two different theologies willing to teach each other and learn is refreshing to me! They were humble and had the right attitude!
I would love to design a gown for you my dear, and also give you a tremendous discount for being such a loyal and noble lady!

My dear Joshua and I celebrate 34 years this May 26th and my parents have their 60th Diamond Anniversary the same month (YES it is 2013!) I do hope you get notified of this post my Dear! Big Giant Bear Hug to you Hazle!!! Did you feel it way over in VA???

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