Patricia Carrigan

by Patricia Carrigan
(Pleasant Hill, Ca, USA)

When Amber (my older sister) was nine years old, she was burned all down the left side of her face and body. At the hospital she and my parents found out about Camp Beyond the Scars which is a camp hosted by The Burn Institute to help re-establish the self esteem of young burn survivors. I've always remembered how happy Amber would be after each year she's attended the winter and summer camps. Amber has attended Camp Beyond the Scars for nearly twelve years and is becoming a counselor. I've always wanted to give back somehow for all the wonderful help they gave my sister and gave to so many other people who are now some of the coolest friends and people I have ever met.

Well, I became a published author at the age of 16. My book, Antiserum was released in December of 2010. Once I became an author, it finally dawned upon me that, now, I have some way I could give back to The Burn Institute for giving so much to my sister. And now I'm donating half of my profits to them, I volunteered at camp and am going to be attending the next year's summer and/or winter camp as an L.I.T. (Leader In Training). The Burn Institute has definitely become a part of my life and I'm willing to do anything to help them in any way for as long as I can.

Patricia Carrigan
Author Antiserum

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Jan 08, 2013
OOPS! I just got your message!
by: J-na

Please forgive me Patricia, our server notification is not working right and I just received your awesome comments! WOW! I am so touched by you and your sister's journey and how you have found creativity and a loving and giving spirit!
How fortunate that your sis found this wonderful resource for burn victims! How I wish I could have had that back in the 1960's to deal with the shame and fear.
You are such a dear to share this with us! My son and I find joy in giving back through our couture designs too, as you are doing with your book!
We want to wish you all the joy and success in your journey and please accept a great big, giant BEAR HUG from me....and another for your are so inspiring! My heart feels so warm now! Blessings to you both and your family!!! <3

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