For mind blowing street urban fashion, where are we going to turn? To the streets, of course. Not just any streets because not all big cities are created equal in terms of fashion. We definitely are not going to take it to the financial district during a work day unless we want to kill our fashion passion in an instant of bone chilling creepy conformity! So where do we go for on fleek street urban fashion?
Look no further than the streets of New York, London, and Milan. Urban Street fashion in Paris these days has dried up. We just don't see the creativity in the urban realm as we did 10 years ago.
Cal is taking on new benefactors to expand new projects. He is looking for anyone that will trade services, resources, or use of properties or facilities to reach our goals of enhancing our charitable initiative and expanding our lines into Milan and Dubai.
Can you collaborate. Cal will trade for a seasonal custom wardrobe package of an equal value to the services and resources donated additionally including styling, personal shopping, and tailoring services.
Talk to Cal for particulars. Start by sending an email request to
See Cal's Istanbul street urban fashion against the backdrop of the ancient wonder in design and architecture, namely, the Hagia Sofia! This ancient cathedral/mosque, now a museum was the coronation point for all new emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The building's rich history dates back to the second century. Have you visited Istanbul?
Press play and then click on the bottom right of the slideshow to enlarge to full screen.
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Chicago Based Fashion Designer also serving National and International Clients as well as local in the Gold Coast, Streeterville, River North, the Loop, Linclon Park, Winnetka, Lake Forest, Oak Park, and Highland Park for Couture Fashion Custom Clothier Womenswear, Menswear, and Accessories.
Exclusive Eco-Spa Couture Fashion Smart-Gown Experience and Treatment. Wearables and wearable-tech for a charitable cause.
By appointment only Showrooms available, and at home or business service. Mailing Address 1200 W 35th St Suite #5345
Chicago, IL 60609
Jan 21, 25 11:49 PM
Jan 21, 25 11:19 PM
Jan 21, 25 10:32 PM
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